Grandmother Spider Steals the Sun

Grandmother Spider Steals the Sun

He stole the spark, placed it in his beautiful, bushy tail, and ran home. When he got home the spark had burned the fur off of his tail, which is why possums have bald tails. The people stole the spark back, so buzzard offered to go get it. He stole the spark, placed it in the beautiful and lush feathers on his head, and ran home. When he got home the spark had burned all the feathers off of his head, which is why buzzards have bald heads. The people stole the spark back again.

Grandmother Spider spun a web reaching to the other side of the world. She was so small that the people there didn't even notice her. She stole the sun, placed it in a clay pot that she had made, and carried it back on her web. Now there was light on all sides of the world. Grandmother Spider brought fire and the sun to the Cherokee, and she also taught the people how to make pottery.